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Jim White I feel your pain October 1, 2010
Hi Marcia, I just read your tag on the bath salts, I am so sorry about your daughter Kaylynn.I  also felt the pain of losing someone special at the same time.My Mom died in feb.2008.She like Kaylynn was one of the most sweetest and loving people on earth.I wrote in her obituary"She will be remembered as a loving mother,who always wore a sweet smile and spoke kindly to all."I think of her every day and miss her so much.I try to always be like her ,kind to all, and most of all to keep smiling,,even though it isn't always easy.I am glad we connected...Do you think Mom met Kaylynn in heaven and they set us up to meet? Ha! Your Friend, Jim
Dannie Ardoin New Friend March 25, 2010

Hi Marcia,


I met you this past weekend at be Abbeville Fest.  Me and my sister Margie were in the next tent by yours, trying to help keep you warm, Ha!   I just saw your daughters web page.  It is beautiful.

I have one daughter of my own, so I know a mother's love for her daughter.  My prayers will be

with you  and Kaylynn forever.  You will be together again one day.  She will be waiting for you with

open arms.  Stay strong for yourself and for her.   Hope to see you again one day.

Margie Dupre new friend March 22, 2010

Marccia, it was such a pleasure meeting you at the Carosel Fest this year.  My heart and prayers go out to you.  You seem to be such a strong person.  I will continue to pray for you. I looked at Kaylynns web page.  So beautiful, she was a beautiful girl, wish I could have met her.  You continue to be strong, I can tell, you are a beautiful soul, no wonder Kaylynn was so beautiful, and by the way, she does look just like YOU!  Love Margie

Buddy Williamson Mr. March 14, 2010



As you know, we are members of a select club that neither one of us wanted to join, who knows first hand how this feels.  She was a beautiful girl who went way too soon and I know that you miss her.  I hope that she and Patrick have met up and become good friends.  I pray every day and I am going to ask that he look up Kaylynn at her mansion in heaven. I know that they will be the first to greet us at that big family reunion.


Thanks for all the help and support you have given me.  It is only by praying, reading, and talking with others who have lost children that I can find the strength to make it through the day.  If I can help you at all please don't hesitate to ask. I know that you and I have heard this from others but I am very sincere.


Take care, be strong for her, and God bless.





In loving memory of Kaylynn, TJ and Matt

February 1, 2008

Down a narrow road to a Mardi Gras parade they go.

An event beyond their wildest dreams they would soon know.

Who would have thought their fate would soon unfold.

Looking forward to catching beads of green, purple and gold.

With best friend there and sweetheart too,

premonitions that day seemed they already knew.

Although their last Mardi Gras they would never see,

they all left together 3 angels to be.

Yes, TJ, Matt and Kay Kay,

you will get to see the parade in heaven

with angels leading the way.

Our king cakes are made with 3 colors intertwined,

filled with sweet cream and a baby you'll find.

Yes, Kaylynn, TJ and Matt,

now our king cakes will remind us of you,

A circle of sweet love, so don't forget that.

One of the hardest words we can say is “goodbye.”

Although painful but temporary we all must try.

Yes, Matt, Kaylynn and TJ,

we know you're keeping us safe under your wings,

loved and missed by family & friends.

Even though our children have left us behind,

God wants us to know that angels like ours

are hard to find.

By Marcia Daigle

Mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Angelversary February 1, 2010

           Remembering an Angel......

                  Kaylynn  Daigle

          June 28, !991 ~ Feb. 1, 2008


May your Love shine forever in the hearts that love and miss you.... and your memories bring a smile 2 their faces!  Thinkin of you with Love!  Never Forgotten.

Monica Never Forgotten January 26, 2010
Ms. Daigle--may God bless you and your family, I'll keep you and precious Kaylynn in my prayers, keep her in your heart and she'll never be far away.
Lynn Fontenot friend October 14, 2009
Dear Marcia.....just want to say hello and to tell you this is beautiful as are you! Hugs and kisses......your new friend Lynn Fontenot......
Teresa Mom to Angel Justin Lindley June 26, 2009
Megan (Guedry) Fontenot Kaylynn March 9, 2009

Miss Marcia and Derwin,


Miss Marcia, I am not sure if you remember me, but I was very good friends with Derwin and Dane in high school.  Derwin and I went to Prom together my junior/his senior year. We've lost touch over the years, but every once in a while we ran into each other.  The last time I saw you and Kaylynn was when the two of you were working on the firefighter calendar.  I told Derwin I couldn't believe that the beautiful, almost all grown up girl I saw was Kaylynn.  As I was looking at this page, I saw a picture of her which is how I always remembered her over the years.  She was holding a drink in her hands and it made me smile because I remember how sweet she was when she was that age and for some reason, I remember her most when one time when she had pigtails in her hair.  I cannot imagine what you guys have endured with your loss of her.  I now have 3 children and cannot fathom losing one of them. 


I didn't know Kaylynn had her own webpage in her memory.  I actually stumbled upon it when I was searching Craigslist and came upon your ad for the DeadSea Salts and recognized your name.  I was so sorry to hear about Kaylynn last year.  I was at the Mardi Gras fair at Cajun Field last year when I was pregnant for my youngest and ran into Dane and Miss Darlene and he told me.  I really, really tried and wanted to attend her funeral and give you my condolences in person, but at the time, we were living in Texas and had to get back for work.  I told Dane to tell you two how I was so saddened to her of her passing.


Words don't offer much comfort when it comes to something like this.  All you can do is have faith in God and rely on him to carry you through the rough days and look forward to the day when you can see her and hold her in your arms once again.  I will keep you in my prayers and I will definitely contact you Miss Marcia, about buying some of the salts.  I would also like to contribute to her fund when I have the extra money to. 


Derwin, man I miss you!  I miss our little crew so much and all our fun and laughter together!  Last time I saw you was at Graham for my 25th birthday (2 yrs ago in Jan).  I miss the adventures of me and you and Dane and April!  Man we had fun together and I have so many memories of all of us together.  So much has happened since we last saw each other.  I moved to Brownsville, Texas (by South Padre Island/Mexico) 2 yrs ago with my boyfriend at the time, we got married in Sept 2007 and then moved to Beaumont and had a little miracle baby, Sophie Grace who will be 1 in June...Ike moved us back home which was a blessing in disguise.  I am so happy to be back and am trying to reconnect with the people I've lost touch with.   I hope you are doing OK and staying strong through this.  If you or your mom need ANYTHING, let me know.  It's been too long since we've hung out.  I never get out much but every once in a while we cook up a big ol dinner, invite a few friends and drink a few.  It's hard to do much with 3 kids!  I hope you get in touch with me soon and maybe we can get you, me, April, Dane, Jeff and whoever else together for a few drinks and some memories!  Miss you and I will keep you guys in my prayers.  I know she is watching down on you guys and she will always be the presence you feel and the one to guide you through all you do in life.  God bless!


Megan (Guedry) Fontenot



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