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Edward Cazares Kaylynn February 9, 2008

Dear Marcia, We were sorry to hear about your daughter. Please accept our condolences from my family to yours and will be thinking of you at this time of grief.



                                                                    Lafayette Fire Dept.

Wendi Garrett i love you February 8, 2008

hey ms. marcia


          i dont know what you are going through, but for me being a friend this is one of the hardest things i have ever gone through!

          you were always another mom to me and always will be.

           i miss kaylynn so much.

          one of my most memorous memories is when we all went to texas and i had to help you through traffic... i told you that you would make it! and you did..

          i know that this was one of your worst fears adn i am soo very sorry... i wish i could take the pain away from you and bring her home.

          ms. marcia you are a very strong women and i know you can make it through this extremly hard time.

          i always think of her and hope to see her.

          i also know that she is ok because i can feel her around me and i know she is saying keep my mom in your prayers and tell her i love her and that she is ok.

          kaylynn was one of the best friends i have ever had and she always will be because i will never loose touch with her..

          sometimes i just sit there and i will find my self talking and i am saying i love you kaykay. i know you are there.

        ms marcia if you ever need anything.. anything at all ... like groceries or something.. call me ... i will try to help.. or if you just want a friendly talk or if you want company.. you know that i will be there for you.!.!

~i love you forever and always~

             ~Wendi Jo~


MS. Marcia & DERWIN,







Mina Raymond Matthew 5:4 February 7, 2008

My dearest Marcia,Derwin,Syl,Freddie,Barney,Debbie,Ben,Jen,John,Joy,William, & Josh,

It's with a very heavy heart that I write to all of you now.  There are no words, actions, etc. that can bring our sweet Kaylynn back to earth. You all must try to remenber that you will ALWAYS ALWAYS  have this precious angel's spirit FOREVER  burned in your minds & hearts.  Know that Miss Jo and her other  dear grandparents are taking great care of her just as you would here on earth.

Try now not to focus so much on how this precious girl died BUT MORE ON HOW SHE LIVED!!  Remember the funny times , the crazy times, Keep the door to Kaylynn's life OPEN!! Keep her vibrant spirit in your hearts!

My love to all of you now and forever!


Matthew 5:4

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Get Wet Shop Sympathy February 7, 2008

Dear Marcia,

We are so sorry to hear about the loss of your beautiful daughter, KK.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this great time of need.

God Bless,

Get Wet Shop

Stephanie Garrett Friend February 6, 2008

Ms. Marsha, May memories of Kaylynn comfort you, and may it help to know that caring thoughts are with you always. There is no way to lessen the sorrow of losing a very dear daughter, but please remember others care very much and wish you strength and comfort at this sad time. I will keep you in my prayers!

Kaylynn you will be dearly missed by all of the Garrett family. I love you like a sister and remember the silly times you and Wendi had together. You always brought a smile to everyones face. Your memories will linger on forever...I love you girly!

Bonnie Kelly Friend February 6, 2008



I never had the pleasure of meeting your wonderful daughter but her spirit that filled the room Sunday night will stay with me forever.  She is a very special girl that touched many hearts. I know she is in heaven  and she will be your angel forever.



Bonnie Kelly (friend of Uncle Barney)

Kelly Garrett Marcia February 6, 2008


I can't imange the pain you must be going through. Kaylynn will be truly missed by everyone that knew her. She was the sweetist girl, she always had a smile on her face, she never had a bad word to say about anyone. She was always the one volinteering to help me do things arond the house when she was sleeping over. I will always have her in my prayers and will never forget her. She is in a better place and we will think of her often. I love you Kaylynn!


Kelly Garrett

Donald Chauvin Lafayette Firefighters February 6, 2008


Please accept my condolences and those of the entire Lafayette Professional Firefighters Association. I won't pretend to understand your loss but you are in our prayers.


God bless you,


Keli Foret God's Love February 6, 2008

I didn't know Kaylynn but received the news of her and wanted to let the family know that someone whom you don't even know is praying for you.  My prayer for you all at this devastating time is that you will draw ever closer to our Father for the love and comfort that can only come from Him.  I am so sorry for your loss and pray also for only good to come from it.  Kaylynn was a special person that is being missed by someone she never met.


In Christ Awesome Love,

 Keli Foret 

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