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278962 Criar Memorial
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I am not dying, not anymore than any of us are at any moment. We run, hopefully as fast as we can, and then everyone must stop. We can only choose how we handle the race. Hugh Elliott


    This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Kaylynn Daigle who passed away on February 1, 2008. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.  And let us not forget her dear friends TJ and Matt who left this earth with her. (she never did like going places alone)   


She was the most beautiful girl both inside and outside.  She loved, cared and was so happy.  She made the best of bad situations and took what she could from the good.  It made her personality so intricate.  She was sometimes mysterious, other times you knew just what she was thinking. 


 If there was any bad in her it was about as bad as accidently stepping on a bug...and even that would cause her grief.  People like her, only come around so very seldom.


We are all now in a very exclusive club...the Kay Kay club.  We all loved her and all grieve for her but we should all take a moment and gain something from her tragic death. 


 We should recognize that life is so temporary - lets make something good happen in the world.  Lets love someone without expectations. Remem ber  smile - tomorrow lets all smile at a total stranger.  We should recognize that everything is relative - lets never feel like life's over because of a broken relationship or because someone we like doesn't like us or curfews or grounding, bad grades, no date for the prom. "that too shall pass".  Life is not over and if we say that, we are dishonering Kay Kay because her life is indeed over. 


 But most of all we should all make a commitment to Kay Kay that we will be more careful in everything we do and kinder to everyone we know.  She was a totally innocent girl who didn't deserve only 16 years on this earth. 


 Shortly before her death she wrote, "it's just sad how it takes tragic events for some people to realize what a little kindness can do."  On her my space profile one of the questions asked was, how would you like to die?  She said, " going some place and doing something exciting."  She was on her way to a mardi gras parade when she died.  Just as happy as she could be she died the way she wanted to.


  I love and miss you, baby.  Mom   








In loving memory of Kaylynn, TJ and Matt

February 1, 2008

Down a narrow road to a Mardi Gras parade they go.

An event beyond their wildest dreams they would soon know.

Who would have thought their fate would soon unfold.

Looking forward to catching beads of green, purple and gold.

With best friend there and sweetheart too,

premonitions that day seemed they already knew.

Although their last Mardi Gras they would never see,

they all left together 3 angels to be.

Yes, TJ, Matt and Kay Kay,

you will get to see the parade in heaven

with angels leading the way.

Our king cakes are made with 3 colors intertwined,

filled with sweet cream and a baby you'll find.

Yes, Kaylynn, TJ and Matt,

now our king cakes will remind us of you,

A circle of sweet love, so don't forget that.

One of the hardest words we can say is “goodbye.”

Although painful but temporary we all must try.

Yes, Matt, Kaylynn and TJ,

we know you're keeping us safe under your wings,

loved and missed by family & friends.

Even though our children have left us behind,

God wants us to know that angels like ours

are hard to find.


By Marcia Daigle


Please post pictures and comments.  Also, anyone interested in contributing to the Kaylynn Jo Daigle scholarship fund to keep her name alive please call Marcia at  337-212-1322 or mail donation to:


Comeaux High School

Attn: Karen Romero, bookkeeper

100 W. Bluebird St.

Lafayette, LA  70508



Please provide your name & address, phone # and donation amount.

Checks may be made payable to:  Kaylynn Jo Daigle Scholarship Fund or Comeaux High School.  Tax ID # provided upon request.


 She will smile and keep you under her wing!


Thank you,  Marcia  



Galeria rápida
Matt, TJ, Kaylynn Bro and Me KK and Paw moma moma snake Red Sox team KK in middle With brother 2 cool chicks KK in middle with 2 best friends KK on right mom XX 3 peas in a pod; best friends!